Medical Weight Loss

With Dr. O

Let’s Get Started

Dr. O’s approach to Weight Loss Treatments is like her approach to everything: all-encompassing and based on the patient’s individual story. There are many different reasons to lose weight and even more body types, shapes, and sizes. No matter what your experience is, you have unique and personalized weight loss goals. For Dr. O, getting to know who you are as a person— your daily life, your ambitions, your fears— is the only way to achieve success and obtain lasting results.

Are you not losing weight even with a healthy diet and regular exercise?


Do you have a hard time sticking to the restrictions of a diet?

What to expect from Dr. O’s . . .



medical weight loss weight loss treatment fat burn solutions healthy lifestyle metabolism reset  older person healthy lifestyle body fat

Loose a minimum of 10-15 pounds over the 23 day protocol.


Visible reduction of hard-to-lose fat stores around the stomach, arms, back, and thighs.


Increased muscle definition.


Reset your metabolism to ensure long-term weight loss.


Achieve an overall sense of well-being and accomplishment from weight loss visible early into the program.

Nothing is out of reach. By first understanding the complexity of our lives, we’re able to make achievable goals to take back control of your body. The control is in your hands and has always been, Dr. O is just here to help you get started.

Weight-loss and Pain

How pain management is effected by being over-weight

Often times, being overweight can directly effect pain. Wether its degeneration in your joints, muscle tears, or chronic pain, being overweight can add an unnecessary burden and stress. A “pot-belly”, for instance, can add massive amounts of pressure to the lower back causing further degeneration and discomfort. Losing those extra pounds can exponentially benefit your journey toward a pain free life. Dr. O’s Medical Weight-loss program can help you start to lose these unwanted fat stores by getting you on the track to a healthy lifestyle and, most importantly, keeping you there.

Here, at the Dr. O Method ™, Dr. Ifeoma Okoronkwo is the only physician who will be diagnosing you and treating you. Dr. O wants your treatment to be consistent and thorough.


The science behind Medical Weight Loss with Dr. O

The Dr. O Method™ medical weight loss program works by targeting ”abnormal” fat stores for energy. Mobilization of “abnormal” fat stores makes it available as an energy source. In essence you are feeding off of your own fat, gaining energy and losing weight!  

Our bodies have 3 different types of fats. The first type provides the cushion between organs. The second type is the natural fuel reserve untilized to meet energy demands. The third is abnormal fat which leads to obesity. This fat becomes “love handles,” “beer bellies,” and spills over bra straps and belts.

Unfortunately, this is usually our body’s last resource for fuel, only used during “starvation mode”, such as during extreme dieting. Because it is used only as a last resort, many have given up their diet or feel too weak, hungry, or frustrated to diet. The Dr. O Method™, mobilizes “abnormal” fat stores, to be used as the primary source of fuel for your body, simultaneously leading you to loose weight and fuel your body.

The medical weight loss program uses injectable medicine to be taken either daily or weekly depending your program goals. Injecting the medicine ensures your body absorbs it 100%, which is not always the case when you take medicine by mouth and have to rely on gut absorption. One program uses an FDA approved medicine that decreases your appetite, improves portion control, and reduces food cravings, all while also helping with blood sugar control. The greatest weight loss benefits were observed when used in combination with lifestyle changes, such as healthy food choices and regular exercise.

Learn More

with Dr. O

Hear from the doctor herself about why you might not be losing weight and how medical weight loss can help. If you have more questions about weight loss be sure to check out The Dr. O Method Youtube channel.


Visit Dr. O

300 East 56th Street, Ground Floor
New York, NY 10022


(212) 935-4100

Call or email to schedule an appointment.

Can’t Make It In?

If you have a hard time getting away from the office or find it difficult to travel to our location, Dr. O offers Appointments Abroad. Dr. O can come to an office or residence to preform preliminary examinations and administer basic treatments on your schedule.